Personal Projects
- DNote A simple unauthenticated note application
- GrubThyme a meal planner and shopping list generator
- Birthday Postcards A system that automatically sends postcards when a recipient's birthday is coming up.
Types of projects I’ve worked on:
- Creating a custom deployment system
- Load balancing new and existing sites
- Moving static files to a CDN
- Malware cleanup
- Security audits
- Setting up page and object caching
- Creating a backup system
- Monitoring and notifications
- MySQL and PostgreSQL replication
Specific examples:
- Complete backup systems for Delta Systems Group to backup websites on multiple remote servers. Entire project written in Zend Framework.
- Caching for multiple WordPress websites including,, and
- I’ve cleaned up malware on many sites that I cannot name, due to client restrictions. I’ve cleaned up WordPress websites that were compromised due to poorly written plugins, and the occasional WordPress vulnerability. I’ve also dealt with custom CMS sites that weren’t written with security in mind. After a security audit, dozens of vulnerabilities were found, and later fixed.
- Load balanced and Delta Systems Group’s Tri-Point Hosting. I also consulted with the McGraw-Hill Education IT team on load balancing
- MySQL replication for and Delta Systems Group’s Tri-Point Hosting. I also set up MySQL replication for McAllister Software Systems.
- Creator of Limey, a British PHP to PHP transcompiler. It is based mostly on the post “If PHP Were British”
- I set up a CDN for’s static files. They saw a significant decrease in server load, while not increasing their monthly hosting costs.
- I created Brainfudge, a Brainf*ck interpreter for PHP
Current Non-Day-Job Projects:
- Hosting and IT support for The Apple School in Columbia, MO
- Web support for Green Meadows Preschool
- Web support and development for A Major Music Lessons